The Why

For the planet,
for your budget

“By applying eco design, IBM has reduced the number of its servers 100 fold”
Environmental Issue

A Pressing Sustainability Issue

While all industries in the world are becoming more and more Digital, the IT space sees an exponential increase of its environmental footprint.

Sustainable Development Goals


The digital world counts now for 5% of the global GHG Emissions, almost twice as much as the civil aviation.

While all industries are slowly decreasing their emissions, essentially due to the regulation, it's the IT Industry that goes in the opposite direction at an alarming pace estimate to +60% by 2040.



With 50 to 75 billions kilograms of electronic waste produced each year, landfills are filling up with precious metals and dangerous chemicals, increasing toxicity of soil and water.

Energy & Resources

Energy & Resources

Digital equipment requires massive amounts of critical materials deemed to be exhausted in 1 to 2 generations. Refining these materials requires a massive amount of fresh water and energy.

The amount of energy required to run IT Systems is exponentially increasing booming from 200 tWh in 2018 to 500 tWh in 2020.

A company's IT equipment accounts for 21% of its electricity consumption, 75% of which takes place during periods of inactivity.

A Financial Opportunity

Up to 25% overspending

IT budgets almost always include the purchasing of equipment that can be downsized or that don't need to be renewed. These budgets often support infrastructure for software that should be decommissioned or data storage that should be cleaned up.

A Regulation Threat

Choose to, before you'll need to

In Europe, regulation is starting: See PEF Methodology (Product Environmental Footprint).
In 2022, France voted for a reduction plan of Digital Environmental Footprint of Governmental Organisations and is now enforcing engineering schools to include software eco-design in their curriculum.